DONE FOR YOU... funnels web design copywriting sales pages email marketing launch strategy data-driven quizzes landing pages
(So you can stay in your zone of genius.)
NON-SUCKY funnels | ALIGNED email marketing | DATA-DRIVEN quizzes | CONSCIOUS conversion copywriting | THOUGHTFUL WEB DESIGN | NON-SLEAZY sales pages | HAPPY lead magnets & more
*I stand firmly against bro marketing and dickfunnels. Every tool I use, every word I write must be 100% in alignment with my Inner CEO.

stick to your genius (I’ll do the rest.)
You know those “unsexy” tasks you keep putting on the back burner or attempt to execute only to get stuck, frustrated and overwhelmed? Sure, they’re essential to a sustainable, smooth running & profitable online business, but that doesn’t mean YOU should tackle them (and get a headache in the process).
If you’re like many of my clients (brilliant, gifted, passionate, smart) you’d rather spend your precious time doing what you do best: coaching clients, teaching workshops, writing your best-selling book, hosting retreats in glorious paradise.
Banging your head against your laptop trying to implement tasks that suck the life out of you (or that you really don’t have time to learn how to do in the first place) should not be on your already long to-do list.
That’s where my “done -or-you” services come in.
To take your online business to the next level you need…
✔ A website designed to create a thought-out customer journey that converts visitors into happy customers (or, at the very least, into email subscribers!)
✔ An irresistible freebie your ideal clients can’t wait to get their hands on
✔ A data-driven quiz that enables you to serve your clients better
✔ Content strategy that doesn’t take hours of your time and positions you as a go-to expert in your field
✔ Irresistible offers that your peeps actually want to buy
✔ An invitation page (a.k.a. sales page) that makes it impossible for your potential clients to say “no” and gets them excited to work with you!
✔ A social media strategy that creates community, engagement and builds trust. Don’t wanna be on social media? You don’t have to. (Remind me to tell you how I got booked solid while giving the finger to FB and INSTA.)
✔ Effective SEO (search engine optimization) that enable you to rank on Google so that people can ACTUALLY FIND YOU
✔ A killer marketing strategy that generates consistent, quality leads to your website
✔ A funnel (a.k.a. customer journey) that delights your potential buyers, builds trust, generates excitement and sales!

“Caroline is my superhero.”
I was stuck, sitting on a launch for years, stopped by all the things that needed to get done in order to execute it – things that were beyond my skill level – from marketing strategy to setting up funnels. Caroline swooped in and made it happen, and I couldn’t be more thrilled as the launch of my dreams unfolds before my eyes. It has been remarkable watching her marketing acumen, talent for design, and the ability to see the big launch picture. She brings so much to the table (is there anything she can’t do?) – coaching support, strategy, beautiful brand design and the nuts and bolts to make it all work. I can’t recommend her highly enough.
— Routh Chadwick, Founder & Head Coach at Joie de Vivre
Delegate tedious tasks that are not in your zone of genius to an expert with a proven track record.
Know the number one thing my start-up clients get stuck with the most? Building a website.
(We’ll talk more about funnels, email marketing, sales pages, lead pages, opt-ins and social media strategy in a moment ’cause those are definitely on their shitlist.)
This is understandable. If you’ve never built a website before the task will seem GARGANTUAN and even daunting.
I’m coming out of the WordPress closet by saying this… but I thoroughly enjoy creating beautifully branded websites that are designed to work FOR my clients AND generate sales while they sleep. (A website is meant to actually WORK for you, it should generate leads and SALES.)
This is where my expertise as an online business strategist comes in: going beyond beautiful design and ensuring that you have a thoughtful customer journey in place that converts “browsers into buyers”.
But my expertise doesn’t stop there.
A brochure website will not convert traffic into sales unless you have the right systems in place.
You need a way to “catch” leads that land on your site and do so quickly and effectively or you’ll never see those beautiful Souls again.
You also have to nurture & engage those beautiful humxns or they’ll forget who you are and why they’re on your list in the first place.
That’s where a well-designed (non-sucky) funnel comes into play. (BTW, if hearing the word funnel makes you slightly vomit in your mouth, don’t worry. When we dive into your website strategy I’ll take you through a step-by-step process that will demystify it all.)
A well-designed funnel builds the relationship between you — the expert — and your potential client. Just like dating, you want to take it slow. Move too quickly and the whole thing will feel sleazy and you’ve got an unsubscribe before they even got to know how fabulous you (or your product) are.
But once you have a website with a thought-out customer journey and a killer freebie that will effortlessly grow your list, how do you bring fresh leads in the first place? Sending a couple of emails to an old list or posting a few times on social ain’t gonna cut it.
You need an aligned marketing strategy, and one that doesn’t require you to spend hours on social thank you very much.
How about instead if we threw a party?
How do we party online? WE LAUNCH.
Launching: verb / ‘lònch 🚀
Definition of launching:
A series of creative + strategic actions that lead to specific outcomes such as growing your email list with enthusiastic subscribers, generating revenue like the badass you are, selling out a product or program, or filling your client docket. #fullybooked #soldout #yaaasssss
But there’s an art to successfully launching an online program/course/product and there are many intricate parts to it. Think social media + email campaigns, webinars or virtual events, affiliates and possibly advertising — although giving money to Zuckerberg or Google should always be a last resort in my opinion.
When I design a launch strategy I take into consideration your level of expertise, your audience + list size, the medium of communication & social platform that will give you the most bang for your buck, and, most importantly, your energetic capacity to “be seen”. (*Your capacity to be “seen” is a huge factor in your success. It’ll determine if your business will take off or stagnate.)
As a business coach who’s worked with hundreds of heart-centered clients around the world, I understand what a roller coaster ride this adventure called entrepreneurship can be, and how getting the right help and support system can mean the difference between burn-out and success.
Hiring me as your online launch strategist means you have a co-pilot on the journey, a co-pilot that happens to have 17+ years of real business experience.
Now let’s look at my à la carte services that will take your business to its next level of spectacular success.
On the menu
funnels web design copywriting sales pages email marketing launch strategy data-driven quizzes landing pages
If you’re looking for a carefully designed WordPress website that elevates your brand but also does what it’s supposed to do: generate sales, you’re at the right place.
Included in your web design package are 2 consult sessions where I will guide the preparation process as well as help you get clear on the look and feel of your new virtual home.
Web design packages start at $3275USD.
Looking to refresh your ‘ol website? Need a website audit to understand where the money’s leaking? I got you, Boo.
Website audits start at $450USD.
A good sales page is crucial, no doubt.
It needs to be well structured, smartly written, and impeccably designed.
But a sales page will only convert if you’ve done the foundational work.
Many copywriters will sell you their services but won’t ask you the most important questions: has your funnel been tested? Is it converting? Are you clear on your niche? Clear on your offer? Have you TESTED your offer?
If none of those pieces have been validated, your sales page won’t convert.
Together we will put the foundational elements in place so that you feel clear on your offer AND sell it confidently.
Sales pages copy & design start at $2500USD.
*I stand firm against bro marketing and sleazy, manipulative sales tactics. My copy is rooted in respect and a clear intention to empower the reader.
You got the goods; you know you do. You’re an expert in your field, you have a powerful message to share, and you want to impact hundreds, thousands, no wait…millions of lives.
You’re ready to launch an online program or monetize your best-selling book (or both), and you need a launch strategist to take you through the steps because there are many.
When you hire me as your launch strategist, I’ll get to work on designing a launch blueprint. I’ll break down all the tasks so you can see clearly what needs to be done + what you should delegate to ensure your launch’s utmost success.
Think of me as your co-pilot so you don’t have to fly solo.
Launch strategy packages start at $5000USD and are highly customizable. Get in touch to get a quote.
Oh, the dreaded funnels. Raise your hand if you HATE the word or the thought of having to create one 🖐🏼
Time to shift that mindset!
A funnel is actually a beautiful thing: it’s how your potential clients/buyers get to know, like, and trust you. ‘Cause we ain’t gonna marry you if we don’t date you first, right? A funnel is a courtship, plain and simple.
It’s your opportunity to seduce, serve and then when the timing is right, sell.
Funnel design starts at $1200USD.
So, you heard that a quiz is an amazing tool to grow your list. Well, you’re right.
But a well-designed quiz will actually do so much more: it’ll give you an inside look into your prospective client’s mind and show you exactly how you can help.
And the beautiful thing? Is that a quiz can be a transformative experience for the quizzer. (That’s a word, right?)
I won’t lie, though — a thought-out quiz takes a fair amount of research and the copy must be just right. It’s both art and science.
It can also cost a tonne of money to host a quiz (I’m looking at you, Leadquiz), but thankfully, I know the right tools that’ll save you time and money.
Quiz design starts at $1200USD.
When’s the last time you sent out a love letter to your peeps? And dare I ask, are you consistently visiting your people’s inbox?
Can’t figure out Mailchimp? Confused about how to set up an email sequence that nurtures, and ultimately, leads to sales?
Are your opt-in user-friendly? Are you 100% certain that the freebie you spent so much time creating is actually landing safely in your good people’s inbox?
If I had a Benjamin for every broken opt-ins I see on ze world wide web, I’d be richer than that asshole Bill Gates.
Let’s fix your email automation, shall we?
You have a beautiful website, poured your heart into writing high-quality blog articles, but no one is finding your content or your “work with me” page.
All this hard work but no website visitors (a.k.a. crickets).
After tweaking key pages on my website, I started ranking in the top 5 searches on Google.
Why should you care about ranking, you ask? How about clients finding you or your products “out of the blue”? Yeah, “out of the blue” is code for SEO.
Drops mic.
I only offer SEO as part of a web design package and ONLY if I feel you are ready to implement this strategy.
So, you’ve been told you need to blog, share free content, and be on social media.
Let’s address social media first and ask the question: WHERE should you hang out? Everywhere?
“Do I need a Youtube channel? A FB page? Should I Tweet or focus my time on Instagram? What about Insta stories?”
Well, that depends. It depends on where you want to shine and which visibility platform will give you the most energy and bang for your time.
So, before you spread yourself thin on all of the platforms, let’s get clear on your big goals and THEN design a visibility + content strategy that actually makes sense and gives you a return on your time investment.
A landing page is easy enough to do, right?
Throw some copy together and paste it in Leadpages. Isn’t that how it works? But then, why isn’t it converting?
Ah… This where a skilled online business strategist (in this case, me!) brings her magic so that your page actually converts.
(This is especially important if you’re going to throw your hard-earned cash at Zuckerberg.)
Landing page design starts at $500USD. The investment will vary depending on if you need copy written and to have an email automation set up.

“I am overwhelmed with gratitude.”
“I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Caroline, and am overjoyed she came into my life to support my new business in blooming.
Caroline has supported me to step more fully into my power & confidence as a leader, to gain clarity on my creation, and to maximize my impact.
She has cheered me on as a coach and strategist as I launched my business for holistic & embodied trauma healing, Her Temple.
It has been a blessing to have the support, guidance, and tools she offers to build my confidence and trust, and birth my vision into life.
I couldn’t imagine working with anyone else and highly recommend her services to anyone looking for spiritual AND strategic business support. Thank you, Caroline!”
— Kaity Rose
Ready to delegate what isn’t in your zone of genius?
If you have a project you’re currently working on or you’re not making as much progress as you’d like in your business, if you’re planning a launch or need consulting to figure out what you should implement or focus on, your next step is to schedule a call so we can talk about how myself (or my team of allies) can help.