for start-up or seasoned entrepreneurs


You have an idea (or many ideas!) for a business but no idea how to test, launch or market.

You feel ready (like really ready) and you don’t want to waste time trying to figure it all out by yourself.

You want clarity on your vision, your genius, your ideal clients, your niche and you want a clear marketing and launch strategy.

Most of all, you’d like a trustworthy ally (someone who’s been there and knows the drill) to help build and grow your profitable business.

You’ve already browsed this website so you know that I’m an online business strategist who works a lot with intuition (or what I call the inner CEO). You know that I’ve been in business for myself for over 15 (17?) years now so I walk the talk and, I GET IT: entrepreneurship can be a roller coaster ride! (But it doesn’t have to be…)

If you’re sick of trying to figure everything out on your own and you’d like to save time (and money) working with someone who has the expertise and the proven track record, your next step is to get in touch so we can talk about your goals, timeline and exactly what kind of help you need.

A single consulting session is $350USD. Feel free to start with that if that’s easier.

Consulting and “done-for-you” packages start at $2500USD. Packages are customized to your needs.


You’ve built strong foundations in your business. You have a steady flow of clients/sales and because of that, you’re busy. TOO BUSY.

You need to streamline, delegate the tasks you can’t do anymore, or hand over your online launches/marketing/funnels to a launch strategist.

Maybe you need to rethink your long-term vision/plan so you can work better, not more.

Maybe what worked in the past isn’t working anymore and you can’t quite figure out why.

Maybe you’re at a point in your career/business where you want to build a legacy. Money is not an issue but your time is precious and you’d like to spend it on the lake/slopes/traveling/hanging out with the kids or give back to your community by volunteering or mentoring.

Maybe you fell out of love with your business and you’d like some guidance in deciding if you should quit or PIVOT.

As an entrepreneur who’s been through many pivots and reinventions, I get it. And I’m here to tell you that what’s waiting on the side however scary it is to take the leap is well worth it.

If any of this resonates, your next step is to book a quick call so we talk about how my services will help you flourish and thrive.

A single consulting session is $350USD. Feel free to start with that.

Consulting and “done-for-you” packages start at $2500USD. Packages are customized to your needs.

If you’re looking to delegate, please check out my done-for-you services.

“Best thing I’ve ever done for my personal growth and for my business!”

Brigitte Corbeil, Author & Creator of Soul Styling™

“Caroline has exceptional capacity to listen and to provide a powerful space for transformation.”

Dr. Nancy Wallis, Professor, Organizational Leadership Consultant and Executive Coach

“Caroline was the nudge I needed to take the leap and launch Radical Abundance!”

Kathy Jones Williams
Author & Creator Radical Abundance

“Caroline created an amazing fun, fast paced space to learn in, from which I got really clear about my personal brand.”

Kate Adey, Leadership and Transformation Coach for Busy Working Parents



funnels | email marketing | social media strategy | content creation | quizzes